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“The Inspiration of Spirit”

  • A guided meditation, likely to be focussed on connecting with the inspiration, love and wisdom of the Divine Feminine.
  • Interactive exercises to develop/practice your mediumship and connection with spirit.
  • Session looking at the Seven Rays.
  • Inspired writing (mediumship) exercise, working in pairs.
  • Opportunity to connect with Jophiel, Archangel of illumination and Master Kuthumi, formerly Chohan of the Ray of illumination and now ‘world teacher’ with Jesus during the current, so-called Aquarian Age.
  • Q&A – opportunity to ask any sensible questions on spiritual matters.
  • Being shown how to energy shield and put effective protection in place.

Please note: for those who attended former Workshops, while some aspects of this Workshop will be similar, there will also be several new aspects.

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