Enjoy holistic healing retreats around the world
For many years I have organized discovery tours to ancient places of power and wisdom to various Middle Eastern countries as well as Europe and Asia.
This makes my trips so special…
Having been a tour guide myself in the past, I very much enjoy selecting some rather distinct places to visit. These trips therefore are unique – not something that can be booked through a normal travel agent – and will give you the time to follow your intuition and take in the places you most feel drawn to. Join me and a nice group of like-minded people and get ready to come back refreshed, enriched, fulfilled, empowered and ready for life again, in a more natural and down-to earth way.

Building bridges is what we do…
Through my work I have helped people broaden their horizons, understanding foreign cultures better, working towards world peace, international understanding, striving to unite mankind.
Our next destinations in 2024 are:
18th – 28th February Nile Cruise and Red Sea (fully booked)
18th – 20th March Spiritual London (fully booked)
5th – 12th May Cyprus – Find your inner wisdom – still places available – please contact me for details: petra.knickenberg@t-online.de